Friday, 8 May 2020


There have been many grand histories written about the Second Ursidae Invasion, covering the grand strategies, the fleet movements, and the political machinations that drove the decision making. There have also been hundreds if not thousands of personal recollections and memoirs covering the same period in history.

In these pages we will look not at a single person's memories, but at the memories of many of the participants. We will not look at the grand strategy, but at a single military operation that could make or break the alliance against the common Ursidae enemy.

Through personal memoirs, official communiques, ships logs, news reports, and a myriad other sources, we will tell the story of a single supply convoy that battled against the odds through everything the enemy could throw at it, to delivery vital war materiel to desperate allies.

Of course this has not been the work of just myself. No one person could have collated or collected this information, indeed it was not possible for just humans to collect it. This preface is not an apt place to list all of the sophonts that aided in the compilation of the documents used to create this work, and the names of them all can be found in the appendix. However I feel that I must mention two Ursidae who were of especial value in my researches.

Firstly His Honour Botaxcoahu the Ursidae ambassador to The Empire of Man during the period this work covers. Without his aid I would not have been able to access the official archives of the Ursidae military. His contacts and understanding of the Ursidae administrations security concerns was invaluable in securing the documents I used, and his intercession on my behalf released a number of documents that had not already been declassified.

Secondly but not any less important, was Fleet Marshal Aeebuipechhuj, who gladly rendered his services as translator, as correspondent, and of course as a friend. His phonetic transliterations of the Ursidae language into standard Imperial have been used throughout this work.

- Charles Oman

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