Monday, 18 May 2020

D-72: Sunodar, General Mandah's personal diary

The news from Heart, or rather the lack of it, is worrisome. The days of the daily comms-boats have long gone. We lost regular comms with them a couple of weeks back and only the odd ship has come our way since, and every time they do come its with bad news. It must be hell out there. We're definitely next on the Ursidae menu, they're squeezing the salient, Once they've snuffed Heart they'll aim for us.

It's started already, they made a raid out at the jump point and took out one of the supply runs from Trants. I think we only lost one transport, but it was one of the big liberty ships. The manifest listed mixed cargo, but it was all intended for us. I've gone over it more than once. The ground to air missile batteries, and the platoon of grav tanks will be missed. I've had training running double time on the simulators to get the crews together, but now there's no kit for the men. I've repeatedly told the civs we need manufacturing capacity for the grav-tanks. Do I return them back to their units or assign them to a provisional block as replacements?

The deep bunker construction continues. I have two companies of grav tanks safely underground in the new holes, both on the northern continent. None of the other units have anywhere to hide yet. They are dispersed, and that should reduce casualties from any strikes but you can't hide a battalion from orbital cameras. Oh, there's a thought, we could hide them in commercial structures. They'll be dispersed just as they are now, so I won't lose any additional unit cohesion. I'll have Folah look into it tomorrow.

Tomorrow is going to be another long one. Need to chase the sappers about the buried comms.  Blasted meeting with Northern Command will waste half a day. The press were harping about arming the populous again. I'm starting to think they may have a point.

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