Wednesday 20 May 2020

D-70: Chobos, Naegarn scout ship Haylen Jules, comms transcript

Speech is tagged with the recording station.

[Captain] Twenty four seconds to jump exit, all stations report.

[Engineer] I'm showing green across  my board.

[Pilot] Ready to engage manual guidance.

[Gunner] All weapons powered, sandcasters prepped for immediate firing.

[Navigator] Course looking good, jump calculations prepared.

[Captain] three, two, one.

[Pilot] Entering real space.

[Captain] Sensors passive sweep. Navigator, plot us a way out of here.

[Sensor Op] Sensors show nothing in our immediate area. Extending sweep.

[Captain] Engineer, how's it looking?

[Engineer] Jump drive in the green, five minutes until reset cycle is complete, power to the jump grid is in the green.

[Sensor Op] I have a return. Its moving, designating bogie one.

[Captain] Have they seen us?

[Sensor Op] Can't tell, no course change, no active sweeps.

[Captain] Pilot, minimum power, move us directly away from bogie.

[Sensor Op] Three more bogies sir designating two through four. Oh. Bogie one is pinging on active.

[Captain] Gunnery disperse foil! Sensors do we have a path in-system?

[Sensor Op] Only by skimming past bogie one.

[Captain] Navigator plot the course. I want a long range laser shot at the bogie as we pass. Sensors at full active power, we need the intell, it's why we're here. Pilot, flank speed. Engineering, what’s the status on the jump drive?

[Engineer] All green, four minutes.

[Pilot] Give me that course.

[Navigator] Sent.

[Sensor Op] All bogies are vectoring on our position.

[Captain] Can we maintain the in-system course and avoid getting raked by the other ships? What are those ships?

[Sensor Op] Yes sir. They're reading as SDBs, we have the legs in the race.

[Captain] Send the long range feed to my console.

[Sensor Op] Sent.

[Captain] Gunner, warm up the missiles I'm going to send you multiple long range targets. Pilot how long until we're in laser range?

[Pilot] Two minutes sir.

[Captain] Gunner, targets marked, run the missiles silent until within two hundred clicks. Launch and prepare for the laser pass.
[Pilot] They're firing!

[Captain] Open fire.

[Gunner] Firing.

Confused speech from multiple sources.

[Captain] Get down there Jon, I have the sensors.

[Sensor Op] On the way!

[Captain] Engineer is the jump grid still online? Engineer? Missile incoming, Pilot evade.

[Gunner] Captain, he's dead.

[Captain] Okay Jon, is there a breach?

[Gunner] Err. Looks good. No pressure warnings.

[Captain] Is the turret operational?

[Gunner] Not without. No.

[Captain] Check Engineering, then get back up here.

[Pilot] Missile passed to port and detonated.

[Unidentified] Captain, no comms in engineering no damage down there.

[Captain] We have the intell. Pilot are we still at a safe jump distance?

[Pilot] Yes sir. We're outpacing the SDBs.

[Captain] Navigator, is the computer prepped for jump?

[Navigator] Sir.

[Captain] Jon, go tell engineering to initiate jump.

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