Saturday, 9 May 2020

D-72: Sunodar, Emergency Powers Committee, transcript extract

Prime Minister: Jacob Mitska
Armed Forces Liasion: Major Sera Dolitsak
House Leader: Dr Chand Iller
Intelligence Secretary: Sir Kaur
Food Security Minister: Ellisha Espin
Transport Minister: Javan Willis
Health Minister: Idrees Preat

Prime Minister: Well Idrees, how bad is it?

Health Minister: Fifteen ships from Heart.

Armed Forces Liaison: Seventeen, there were two escorts.

Health Minister: Yes. Thank you. Fifteen ships filled with hospital cases. The up-port medical facilities are overwhelmed, the cases are being brought down as quickly as possible. Javan?

Transport Minister: We've directed all non-essential port shuttles from all stations to work with the hospital ships.

Health Minister:  The hospitals in the downport facility will be filled within a matter hours. Then we'll be shuttling the cases to other cities.

Prime Minister: Spirits save us. How many people are we talking about?

Health Minister: I'm not sure.
Armed Forces Liaison: Around twenty five thousand. That's an estimate. Most of the ships were well over capacity except one which was only half full.

Health Minister: Are you sure about that number?
Armed Forces Liaison: Sir. It's as accurate as I can be. There were no manifests.

Prime Minister: Idrees?

Health Minister: We don't have room. Not nearly enough. We've err. I mean.

Prime Minister: Yes?

Health Minister: I'll need to speak to my team. We need to set up temporary hospitals. I had no idea. We don't have enough staff!

Prime Minister: Major. Can the military assist? Can you open the military hospitals to these men?

Armed Forces Liaison: All military facilities are close to capacity because of our own casualties.

Prime Minister: Idrees, you need to get on this right now. Go.

Health Minister: Yes, of course.

[Door opens/closes]

Transport Minister: Major.

Armed Forces Liaison: Sir.

Transport Minister: I'm looking at these ships. Most over capacity, one only half filled.

Armed Forces Liaison: I imagine there's a lot of. Well, let's says it must be chaotic at the other end.

Prime Minister: What's the latest from Heart? Did these ships bring you any more information?

Armed Forces Liaison: They did and some of it I would classify as need to know.

Food Security Minister: You want me to go Major?

Prime Minister: One minute Ellisha. Can you summarise your report before you go?

Food Security Minister: Rationing is now in place, surpluses are being stored near all habitation centres as planned.

Prime Minister: Problems?

Food Security Minister: A few riots. Trouble getting enough cold-storage. Oh, and preservatives. But I have some plans to get around that.

Prime Minister: We'll talk later.

[Door opens/closes]

Prime Minister: Major.

Armed Forces Liaison: There was no official military communication on the ships that just arrived. That in itself is very telling. There was no civilian mail either. We've conducted preliminary interviews with the captains of the ships and it seems pretty grim. The Heart void-Navy has taken a beating, at least three battleships have been lost and quite a few smaller ships. All orbital stations over Heart were hit in the first wave. The captains claim they are all non-operational. The casualties we've received are a mixture of civilians and military. The Ursidae are on Heart, but it’s clearly still being defended. or at least. It was a week ago.

Prime Minister: Can we help at all?

Armed Forces Liaison: Only at the expense of our own defences.

Prime Minister: And we may not get help from Covuni or Trants, for weeks, or at all.

Armed Forces Liaison: Indeed. Sir I have a question of policy.

Prime Minister: Yes?

Armed Forces Liaison: The ships that just arrived. I've ordered the captains of the two escorts to stand by. They're desperate to return to Heart. I don't believe that's the right option. I'd like to add them to our inventory.

Prime Minister: Boost our defences, at Heart's expense? I have the legal power, all military ships are Neagarn service first, planetary second.

Transport Minister: We should grab the transports too.

Armed Forces Liaison: I agree with Mr Willis.

Prime Minister: They'll hang me.

Armed Forces Liaison: Only if we fight off the invasion sir.

Prime Minister: Military humour.

[Multiple people laughing]

Prime Minister: Major. Are you basing your advice on the fact that. Because the Ursidae are on the ground at Heart?

Armed Forces Liaison: Yes sir. And the state of these ships. I think they'll do more good for the Naegarn cause here.

Prime Minister: Hanging be damned. Let's do it. Act on it, I'll sign the paperwork as soon as I see it.

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