Wednesday, 13 May 2020

D-71: Empire Fleet Commander Burtok, Faslane System, Battle Report submitted to Navy Command Havakurl

Ursidae fleet consisting of eight destroyer-class, four cruiser-class, one battleship-class, one escort-carrier entered system as a group. Piquet ships engaged with long range missiles and withdrew under fighter harassment.

Enemy fleet split into two groups. The smaller group (Bogey-A) of two destroyers, one cruiser, and a squadron of fighters set course for the belt mining stations. We had no ships that far out and in a position to intercept.

The larger group (Bogey-B) headed at flank speed in-system toward the nearest of the three inhabited planets, Chester. Despatched the Faslane home-fleet on direct intercept. The Empire contingent was ordered to maintain a protective screen around Chester.

At the thirty-two hour mark a long range missile engagement commenced. This was mildly effective; one enemy destroyer was clearly damaged and other hits were scored. In return fire we lost seven Fast Attack Boats, and the Battleship Heroic-Fortitude suffered a grazing hit. A greater percentage of our missiles hit but our own defences were overwhelmed by the number of missiles they were able to launch. Analysis suggests that at least two of the destroyers were specialist missile boats.

The fleets interpenetrated and Heroic-Fortitude inflicted serious damage on two destroyers and the enemy battleship, but was lost when rammed by an enemy destroyer. Our Fast Attack Boats stripped the enemy of most of its fighter escort but another twelve of our boats were lost. I ordered the Fast Attack Boats to reverse course and pursue. The cruisers Nathan-Brook and Danan-Bloom were ordered to vector onto Bogey-A and engage at earliest opportunity.

Bogey-B continued accelerating in-system their trajectory suggested they intended a grazing run against the orbital stations above Chester. Accordingly, I deployed the Empire contingent so as to intercept. As per standard operation procedure the seeded seeker mines in the projected path and deployed behind them. The Empire ships engaged with missiles and the enemy Escort Carrier was destroyed. The enemy did not engage us with missiles.

The minefields proved ineffective.

During the orbital-pass engagement three of the stations were destroyed and a further two suffered serious damage, it seems the enemy had reserved a significant supply of their missiles for the stations.

During the pursuit out-system further hits were scored on the enemy battleship and the three damaged destroyers were crippled. One subsequently detonated itself. We lost no ships during this phase. The enemy jumped out of system.

The Nathan-Brook and Danan-Bloom were unable to intercept the smaller enemy flotilla before it jumped out of system. A number of belter stations and facilities were raked with laser fire in passing, but these operations can be restored within a few weeks.

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