Friday, 8 May 2020

D-72: Naegarn starship "Silk King", parsec 0804, extract from personal diary of Ensign Gordon Dimmock

I don't know whether to be happy or sad. First the captain thinks I might have a point about the solar interference with Hill's detector device. I don't know what he's picking up with that thing, but Hill doesn't strike me as someone clever enough to come up with something humanity has been seeking for centuries! The Captain told me not to speak to Hill, something to do with not-distracting him, I'm glad, Hill isn't a nice guy. Anyway I get to use the computer to test my theory when I'm off-duty and its free. It's really nice to be trusted by the Captain.

I'm sad. No. It's a sad-excited feeling. We've spotted Ursidae. They seem to be stock piling out here, close to home. The crew think it can only mean they're building a staging site. From here they could reach three of our systems. Including home.

I keep getting the shakes. Its stress. I want the captain to storm in and blast that stockpile, and stop them dead in their tracks, but he won't do it. Jakeson told me it wouldn't happen. "We're out here to collect intelligence." I'm glad we're doing our part, but a couple of missiles now could blast the whole stash.

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